[NOTE] Go Profiling and Observability from Scratch


  • Scheduling & Memory Management: A simple model
  • Profiling: CPU, Memory, Mutex, Block, Goroutine + Overhead Benchmarks
  • Tracing: Manually, Distributed, Runtime
  • Metrics: Runtime Metrics
  • 3rd party Tools: Linux perf, BPF, Delve,fgprof

Scheduling & Memory Management

  • Go’s primary job is to multiplex and abstract hardware resources
  • Very similar to an operating system, - it’s turtles all the way down
  • Following model recap for some, but perhaps more useful than more complex models usually presented.


  • Go schedules goroutines onto CPUs (OS Threads)
  • Deeply integrated with networking, channels and mutexes
  • Scalable to hundred of thousands of goroutines


Memory Management

  • Small stack per goroutine (4kB+)
  • Big heap, needed for shared data and other reasons
  • Stack allocation is very cheap
  • Heap allocation and GC is expensive (20%+ CPU Time common)
  • Reduce: Turn heap into stack allocs or avoid completely
  • Reuse: Reuse heap allocations like structs and buffers
  • Recycle: Some GC work is inevitable, it’s okay
  • Reducing heap allocs speed up unrelated code (GC thrashes CPU Caches)

Memory Management: Heap

  • Referenced Allocation (In-Use)
  • Unreferenced Allocation (Garbage)


CPU Profiler

  • Captures: On-CPU time of your code by interrupting the process after every 10ms of CPU Time to take a stack trace.
  • Profile Data: Sample count and time spent per stack trace
  • Sample Rate: runtime.SetCPUProfileRate(hz)

CPU Profiler: SIGPROF for every 10ms of CPU Time

// go 1.17.3 src/runtime/signal_unix.go
func setProcessCPUPROFILER(hz int32) {
  if hz != 0 {
    // Enable the Go signal handler if not enabled.
    if atomic.Cas(&handlingSig[_SIGPROF], 0, 1) {
      atomic.Storeuintptr(&fwdSig[_SIGPROF], getsig(_SIGPROF))
      setsig(_SIGPROF, funcPC(sighandler))
    var it itimerval
    it.it_interval.tv_sec = 0
    it.it_interval.set_usec(1000000 / hz)
    it.it_value = it.it_interval
    setitimer(_ITIMER_PROF, &it, nil)
  } else {...}

func sighandler(sig uint32, info *siginfo, ctxt unsafe.Pointer, gp *g) {
  _g_ := getg()
  c := &sigctxt{info, ctxt}
  if sig == _SIGPROF {
    sigprof(c.sigpc(), c.sigsp(), c.siglr(), gp, _g_.m)
  // ...

CPU Profiler: Add Stacktrace to Profile

// go 1.17.3 src/runtime/proc.go
const maxCPUProfStack = 64
func sigprof(pc, sp, lr uintptr, gp *g, mp *m) {
  // ...
  var stk [maxCPUProfStack]uintptr
  // ...
  n := gentraceback(pc, sp, lr, gp, 0, &stk[0], len(stk), ...)
  // ...
  cpuprof.add(gp, stk[:n])

CPU Profiler: Waiting for Go 1.18

  • setitimer(2) fails to deliver more than 250 signals per second, biases profile to underestimate CPU Spikes, see GH #35057
  • Go 1.18 patch from Rhys Hiltner will fix this and thread bias issues such as GH #14434 by using timer_create(2)

Block Profiler

  • Captures: Off-CPU time waiting on channels and mutexes

  • But not: Sleep, I/O, Syscalls, GC, etc.

  • Profile Data: Cumulative contentions and delays per stack trace

    stack trace contentions/count delay/nanoseconds
    main; foo;runtime.chansend1 22820 867549417
    main; foo;bar;tuntime.chanrecv1 22748 453510869
    main;foobar;sync.(*Mutex).Lock 795 5351086
  • Sample Rate: runtime.SetBlockProfileRate(rate)

Mutex Profiler

  • Captures: Off-CPU time waiting on mutexes (not channels)

  • Profile data: Cumulative contentions and delays per stack trace

    stack trace contentions/count delay/nanoseconds
    main; foo; sync.(*Mutex).Unlock 22820 867549417
    main; foo;bar;sync.(*Mutex).Unlock 22748 453510869
    main;foobar;sync.(*Mutex).Unlock 795 5351086
  • Rate: runtime.SetMutexProfileFraction(rate)

Block vs Mutex

  • Block seems like a superset of mutex profile, but it’s not:
  • Mutex profile shows what code is doing the blocking
  • Block profile show what code is getting blocked
  • Both perspectives are useful, so enable both profilers

Quick Note on Time


On-CPU Time > Real Time


  • Goroutine Time: Cumulative (end - start) time of all goroutines
  • CPU Time: CPU tiem circle can be larger than Real time circle
  • Mutex Time
  • Block Time: Block time is a superset of mutex time (but with different call stacks)
  • Untracked Off-CPU Waiting Time: Profiling Blindspot!

Memory Profiling

  • Profile Data: Cumulative allocs and inuse per stack trace

    stack trace alloc_objects/count alloc_space/bytes inuse_objects/count inuse_space/bytes
    main; foo 5 120 2 48
    main;foo;bar 3 768 0 0
    main;foobar 4 512 1 128
  • Samples captured every 512kB of malloc() and when those objects are free()’d by the GC later on (inuse = allocs - frees)

  • Sample Rate: runtime.memProfileRate = rate (default = 512kB)

func main() {
  user := &User{Name: "alice"}
  fmt.Printf("User: %v\n", user)
LEAQ type."".User(SB), AX
PCDATA $1, $0
CALL runtime.newobject(SB)
MOVQ $5, 8(AX)
LEAQ go.string."alice"(SB), CX

Goroutine Profiling

  • Profile Data: Goroutine count per stack trace

    stack trace goroutine/count
    main;foo 5
    main; foo;bar 3
    main;foobar 4
  • O(N) Stop-The-World where N is the total number of goroutines (cause tail latency)

  • No Sampling Mechanism

  • Use Cases: Detect goroutine leaks and diagnose hanging programs(debug=2)


  • Tracing: Recording of time-stamped events

    Distinction with logging can be muddy, depends on context

  • Distributed Tracing: Tracing requests through multiple services

    Highly recommended to understand performance from system perspective

  • Runtime Tracing: Go’s built-in tracer

    Can shine a light on profiling blindspots (e.g. I/O, Sleep, GC, Scheduler Backlog)

  • Tracing Profiler: Tracing every function call

    Doesn’t currently exist for Go

Runtime Tracer

  • Traces Scheduler, GC, Contentions, Syscall, etc.

    see src/runtime/trace.go for a list of events

  • High-overhead firehose that produces a lot of data

  • But fantastic way to track down latency when nothing else seems to have the answer

Profiling and Tracing Overhead Analysis

  • Run different workloads in a loop for 1 minute with and without various profilers enabled, measure avg latency
  • Repeat each experiment 5 times
  • Performed on a AWS c5.4xlarge machine(6h total duration)
  • This is hard! Early sneak peek, bad env, bad stats, naive workloads, do not trst too much!

Overhead Analysis: Error Sources

  • Dynamic frequency scaling (Turbo Boost)
  • Noisy Nerghbors
  • Human error
  • Check for new results by the time you watch this
  • But: Very low overhead for cpu, memory, mutex and block profiler for non-pathological workloads


  • Use runtime/metrics (Go 1.16+), highlights: (*mB ~ 100mB)

    metric description
    /gc/pauses:seconds Stop-the-world pause latency histogram
    /sched/latencies:seconds Goroutines waiting in runnable state latency histogram
    /sched/goroutines:goroutines Number of live goroutines
    /memory/classes/heap/objects:bytes Current heap memory usage
    /memory/classes/heap/stacksbytes Current stack memory usage
    /memory/classes/profiling/buckets:bytes Memory used by internal profiling hash maps
  • Recommendation: Capture all runtime/metrics

3rd Party Tools

  • Linux Perf
  • bpftrace
  • delve
  • fgprof

Scheduling / Execution Observability

  • Profilers: CPU, Block, Mutex, Goroutine
  • Tracing: Runtime Execution Tracer, Distributed Tracing
  • Metrics: Scheduler Latency, Goroutine Count
  • Compile Time: Function Inlining (go build -gcflags='-m')

Memory Management Observability

  • Profilers: Memory Profiler
  • Tracing: Runtime Tracing (GC Events)
  • Metrics: GC counters, GC pause times, Heap Stats, Stack Stats
  • Compile Time: Escape Analysis (go build -gcflags='-m')


  • Go runtime offers great observability out of the box
  • Most tools play nice with production workloads
  • 3rd party tools and custom instrumentation can close the gaps
